Healthy Meal Preparation Lifestyle

Healthy Meal Preparation: Chicken and Pepper Jack-Cheese Hummus Wraps

This is an ongoing series that highlights recipes you can prepare without having to spend a ton of money on fresh ingredients or waste time trying to prepare. These are designed to be healthy, efficient meals that can be prepared easily in an apartment or student-housing-environment with access to limited resources.

This is the second entry in this series and in case you haven’t realized it, I’m a big fan of chicken as both a source of protein and meat used in tandem with vegetables. It’s not as heavy as red meats and the other benefit is the lower cholesterol. This recipe combines chicken, cheese, vegetables, and hummus that can be made and enjoyed as a snack anytime in the day.

Getting Started, You Will Need:

1 Stovetop Oven

1 Timer

1 Microwave

1 Ingredient Plate


1 Small Cast-Iron Skillet

1 Butter-knife (or larger cutting knife)

2 Small Plastic Tubs (for storing leftovers)

2 Small Plastic Bags (for storing leftovers)


1 Quart/1 liter of shredded chicken breasts. (You can find this at your local meat market or grocery store. Getting it already cut saves the time of having to prepare it. Alternately, you can use cans containing cooked, shredded chicken. We will make it taste good in a minute).

¼ Stick of butter or 3 tablespoons of olive-oil.

1 tomato.

1 Cucumber.

¼ Cup of olives.



4 Squares Pepperjack Cheese (or cheese of your choice).

1 Half-Bowl or Cup of Regular Flavored Hummus.

3 (or more) Flour Tortillas,

1 Lemon (for lemon-juice).

Cooking Instructions:

1. Add ¼ stick of butter or 3 tablespoons of olive oil into the cast iron skillet and turn on the stovetop’s medium heat.

2. Add the chunks of boneless shredded chicken breasts into the skillet and stir until the chunks are sizzling with a bit of brown. Then add salt and pepper. Mix well.

3. After the chicken is cooked, place the pieces in the ingredient plate and turn the stove off. Place slices of pepper jack cheese on the chicken. It will begin to melt from the heat as you start to cut the vegetables.

4. Using a knife, cut the tomato and cucumber into slices. Have slices prepared next to chicken.

5. Add ¼ cup of chopped olives to the cheese and chicken mix. When chicken is finally warm, begin tortilla preparation.

6. Have desired amount of tortillas ready. Add the chicken, cheese, and olive mix into them. Add slices of tomato and cucumber as desired. Finish with a scoop of hummus as a top layer.

7. Take the edges of the tortilla and wrap them until they form a quasi-burrito. Enjoy!

**To preserve unused chicken-and-cheese mix, place in plastic containers using juice from a sliced-lemon for preservation. Also do the same with unused cucumber and tomato slices.

Put the vegetable tubs in the freezer once you are done so they do not go bad.

Other Notes: And there you have it! This recipe is a crude but effective measure if you need a snack for lunch or dinner without having to go through all the trouble of cooking a full meal or eating out.

Let’s crush our dreams together,


Samuel Carlton
Samuel Carlton is a blogger and sales professional living somewhere in the American Midwest. His interests related to the blog of food, personal finance, internet blogging, marketing, and campus-life are joined by history, science, collegiate-athletics, writing, technology, and film.