These detail ways to save and invest money on a tight budget. Also explains how 401k’s, IRA’s, CD’s, loans and other financial objectives work. This section also contains articles listed about how to take care of financial issues such as loan-repayment or student debt.

'Poor'sonal Finance Lifestyle

Finance Friday: The Agony and the Ecstasy of Going Out to Eat

(This is the Finance Friday article series on, which highlight the many ways people can waste or save money outside the usual culprits of earnings and expenses. Each article will discuss a different idea in relation to how you can make the most of your money! This article is titled The Agony and Ecstasy […]

'Poor'sonal Finance Miscellaneous

What’s The Difference Between a Roth 401(k) and a Regular 401(k)?

While you may understand the difference between a 401(k) and an IRA, investing can get tricky when you learn that there are different styles of accounts that involve tax deductions. This article details the differences between a Roth and Traditional 401(k).